Endless River Filtration Systems for
Koi Ponds -
I term Eric Filter systems ‘Complex Simplicity’ and, whilst most Koi enthusiasts can easily understand the ‘simplicity’ part of these systems, few understand the ‘complex’ part of the term. I do hope the following information may clarify the reasons for my continued use of this word.
A river traveling forward as a ‘block’ of water at a rate of travel dictated by the suction inlet of a pump at the end of the river should not be so difficult to explain – nor should the box (in which to hold the moving river) be difficult to explain. Alas neither ‘block’ nor ‘box’ are exactly easy to explain when put into mere words.
Hence the header pictures above that give some idea of what stages/processes are involved to produce final perfection with the finished product, namely the ERIC range of filtration units. No one can be reprimanded upon seeing it for the first time and thinking ‘It’s just another Black Box’ because that’s exactly what it is – a black box.
However, it is BIGGER and BLACKER than any of its infamous forerunners and, more importantly………. this one works and – it works like a dream.
It is, in fact, the best koi pond filter in the world today.