8000 gallon ERIC system in Dorset UPDATED 26/8/11

Update 26/08/11

The only real thing that can be problematic when installing Eric units is getting the water levels correct. In this installation a pad had been built to take all the filtration items but when levels were taken we found the filtration units needed to be raised above the level of the pad.

Positioning ERIC units next to pond

A couple of rows of blocks and a couple of sheets of 19mm marine ply solved the problem very quickly to get the levels absolutely perfect.

Achieving perfect water level before plumbing ERIC units in place

This next shot shows the filtration units connected to the filtration equipment housing together with the housing for the U/V and heater – the supply for these came from the two surface skimmers.

(The ground between the pond and the filters will be back-filled after everything has been tested.)

Once again, this is an excellent method of doing away with the expense of the old-style, underground filter house.

ERIC units being connected to additional equipment housing

Skimmer mounted onto koi pond wall

Although we couldn’t fill the actual pond we could test the filters and the aeration to the Ericmat cartridges – this is a perfect shot of how Eric filters should look like when in full running operation.

Aeration in ERIC bubbling

This next shot shows the twin Eric Four equipment housing attached to the filter units which contains two water pumps and four air pumps plus the necessary union valves and 3/8” flap valves to the air pumps.

Equipment housing containing Air Pumps and Water Pumps for ERIC Filter

The pond has now been rendered with Cem-Fil fibres and the next job will be the glass fibre lamination of the pond itself.

More later, Waddy.

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