AT LAST – Waddy puts his money where his mouth is!

Waddy’s blog 17/11/13

This is one heck of a statement to make but be assured I’m not going to make a fool of my reputation and myself by issuing false statements!

So here goes –

‘My Koi pond with four independent bottom drains holds 16,500 gallons (75,000 litres) of water. This huge volume is being filtered to PERFECTION – both mechanically and biologically with only –

One Eric Four filter box.

Eleven filter brushes inside a single tier-brush box for the mechanical stage.

New Brush Box

New Brush Box 1

Six tiny eMat cartridge blocks inside for the biological stage.

Eric Mat Cartridges

And that’s all I’m using.

Every day I empty all four individual drain lines separately into my filter –

Independent lines

It takes approximately two whole minutes of constant debris and filth to enter the box almost instantly.

(Of course, this could never take place in a normal installation where the waste from one drain will enter very slowly over a 24-hour period

Despite all of this, the rear of the brushes remains clean –

Still Clean

After the waste from all four drains has all been emptied into the filter, the water pump is switched off and the water level in the filter will rise to the level of the pond.

Clean Lines

And this is how the front face of the brush box will look now – namely filthy!

front face of the brush box

front face of the brush box 1

So now the discharge can begin –

discharge can begin

discharge can begin 1

When the discharge has finished, this is how the front face of the brush box looks –

front face of the brush

And the rear looks like this –

inside clean

In short – absolutely brand-new!

So it’s now time to re-fill the filter and get the system running again –

re-fill the filter

re-fill the filter 1

And now, how about the 2.35 meter-deep outdoor pond containing 142 Koi and taking into account the leaf problems that arise at this time of the year?

Well here’s a few shots of them feeding –

pond containing 142 Koi

pond containing 142 Koi 1

pond containing 142 Koi 2

If anyone would like to come round and see all this actually taking place with their very own eyes, please contact me by the form on this website and I will arrange it all.

Thanks for reading, Waddy.

p.s. I suggest you do not try to do this with ANY other mechanical filter.

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